Mental Health Awareness Month 2021

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and for me that just means more of an excuse to share my story in hopes of slaying stigma. Yesterday I approved one of my Behind the Review podcast episodes for the month of May that shares the story of a counseling, mental health and addiction treatment business in New York City - Wholeview Welllness.  I open the episode by sharing my personal experience of a manic episode in 2018 and how intensive treatment allowed me to realize the importance of mental health for all; diagnosis or not. 

Being able to share that story and connect my personal work as a Mental Health Advocate to my work at Yelp as a Small Business Expert is incredible. Working for a company that supports me in being open about my diagnosis is so powerful, and it also fuels my drive to share my story and be a voice for people who are unable to openly share their diagnoses because of fear of shame, judgement or stigma. So much of my personality could be attributed to my disorder, which means that for me, so much of my success in my career can be attributed to me having bipolar. And I mean that both pre, and post diagnosis. 

Last year my Mental Health Awareness month was mainly participating in organized things through NAMI and internally at Yelp. We had our virtual walk fundraiser, and I had an opportunity to promote the event on our local news station in hopes of driving participants and donations. I also sat on a panel for all employees at the company to share my personal experience and Yelp's role in my treatment and recovery. 

Building on the momentum of Mental Health Awareness Month - June 2020

Throughout the month of May I had a handful of opportunities to share my story in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Each of these opportunities was unique and targeted a different audience, but every opportunity provided a new platform for me to be real and raw about my story and experiences. I enjoyed these occasions and am inspired to find ways to continue to partner with others and share my story and experiences beyond Mental Health Awareness Month

To continue reading last year’s Mental Health Awareness post, and learn some takeaways to help anyone with a brain balance their mental wellbeing… Keep Reading


Managing your mental health in the workplace


Balancing work and mental health advocacy