Managing your mental health in the workplace

Before my episode and hospitalization I glorified long hours and a busy schedule. Having alot on my plate felt like an equivalent to my worth, and I never gave much thought to my mental wellness or well being. I would frequently say things like "I need to find better work life balance" or "maybe I should try therapy." I knew that I didn't have good systems in place to deal with stress, and I had watched myself ride through the roller coaster of emotions that comes when you're dedicated to your work. When you love what you do, and that trumps taking care of yourself.

In Entrepreneurship especially we glorify long hours, and burning the candle at both ends. If you're not spending every waking hour busting your tail, then are you really doing everything you can to be successful? This narrative is toxic, and untrue. Prioritizing your health and your mental wellness will oftentimes positively impact your bottom line. And there are things you can do that are for the benefit of your brain, but positively impact your productivity.

In that vein I teamed up with a friend and founder of Cultivate Advisors, Casey Clark to talk about the 5 Ways to Manage Your Mental Health as an Entrepreneur. Casey and I share a bit of our personal experiences with mental health, and then dive into some tactics to help you start prioritizing your mental health such as setting micro goals, and boundaries. These tips and tricks are for anyone, but especially those people who feel stressed out, at the end of their rope, and like there's no chance to take time for yourself. These tips and tricks will help you better manage your time, and support your mental wellness.


The impact of safety and security on my mental health


Mental Health Awareness Month 2021